Body Contouring

An optimum detox body treatment focusing on specific areas with the suction pump cupping system.
With form of gentle, specific, sequence movements – the lymphatic drainage is carried out by negative pressure and preselected connections tubes. This encourages the movement of lymph fluids and stimulates the flow.

Results include naturally draining and removing any waste products and toxins from the bodily fluids aswell as naturally firming the skin and creating a tightening effect.

Blood circulation is activated. Cells are regenerated, collagen and elastin fibres are strengthened.

You will experience a feel good factor once the treatment is completed.

A course of treatments are recommended to get the most effective results. An obvious reduction in circumference is visible when a more intensive course is carried out.

Ideally, a course of 10 with 2 treatments per week for 5 weeks if a certain goal is in mind.

Perfect for upcoming wedding, holiday or general self confidence.